02.15.2019 12:00 +0000
04.15.2019 12:00 +0000
from the rules: "A full verification screenshot is required, no clipping, the taskbar and windows time need to be visible" Does this mean the windows taskbar clock?
K to all, I pulled some X265 benchmarks due to the current rule (Platform Clock must be enabled for Windows 8/8.1/10))
After talking to the developper this will be modified to avoid confusion:
- Skylake and newer Intel CPU subs don't need the platform clock to be enabled
- Pre Skylake CPUs will sport the rule of: Platform Clock must be enabled for Windows 8/8.1/10 and sortlike Server OSses (2012 and newer)
- AMD users will have to enable the platform clock on Win8/8.1/10 and sortlike Server OSses (Server 2012 and newer)
in case you run an Intel Skylake or newer generation CPU on a server OS and the HPET timer warning pops up you need to enable the platform clock
To those that got their score pulled on Skylake or newer CPUs, plz re-submit, sorry for any inconvenience caused
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